Wednesday 6 August 2008

NICE Issues Updated Guidance On The Use Of Insulin Pump Therapy

�NICE has published its final counselling on the use of continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII or 'insulin pump') therapy. This is a review of guidance on the use of goods and services this engineering published in February 2003.

For adults and children 12 days and older with type 1 diabetes, the guidance recommends insulin pump therapy as a treatment option provided that:

attempts to hand target hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) levels with multiple everyday injections termination in the person having 'disabling hypoglycaemia' 1 or

HbA1c levels have remained high (8.5% or above) with multiple daily injections (including exploitation long-acting insulin analogues if appropriate) despite the somebody and/or their carer cautiously trying to manage their diabetes.

Insulin pump therapy should only be continued in adults and children 12 years and over if in that respect has been a free burning improvement in the control of their blood glucose levels.

1 Hypoglycaemia means that treatment for diabetes can also cause roue glucose levels to become too low, causing the person to become unquiet, dizzy or disoriented, experience convulsions or become unconscious. 'Disabling hypoglycaemia' is when hypoglycaemic episodes occur frequently or without warning so that the person is constantly anxious about some other episode occurring, which has a negative impact on their character of life.

For children under 12 years with type 1 diabetes, the guidance recommends the employment of Insulin pump therapy as a possible handling if handling with multiple daily injections is not practical or is not considered reserve. Children world Health Organization use insulin pump therapy should have a test of multiple daily injections when they are between the age of 12 and 18 years.

Insulin pump therapy is not recommended for the treatment of people with type 2 diabetes.

Insulin pumps are diminished devices worn outside the body, which continuously deliver insulin into the body through a very fragile tube or needle inserted under the skin. The insulin can be delivered at a set rate throughout the day, which can be increased when it's needful, for model, at meal times.

Andrew Dillon, NICE Chief Executive, said: "People with type 1 diabetes need daily injections of insulin to live. One of the main drawbacks of conventional insulin regimens is the difficultness individuals ass have in constantly achieving blood glucose control and balancing the risk of disabling hypoglycaemia, and hyperglycemia [too high a layer of blood glucose] - both of which can be potentially life-threatening. Today's guidance reaffirms NICE's original recommendations for the employment of insulin pumps published in 2003. It means that people will stay to be able to access this important engineering to accomplish better blood glucose control, resulting in an improved quality of life and fewer situations where they need avail from others."

The guidance is available on the NICE site at

About NICE

The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) is the independent organisation responsible for providing national guidance on the furtherance of good health and the prevention and intervention of ill health.

NICE produces guidance in three areas of health:

public health - guidance on the furtherance of serious health and the prevention of ill health for those working in the NHS, local authorities and the wider public and voluntary sector

health technologies - guidance on the use of newfangled and existing medicines, treatments and procedures within the NHS

clinical practice - steering on the appropriate discourse and care of people with specific diseases and conditions inside the NHS.

National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence

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